Building my own robotics framework

Posted on April 4, 2022 by Zach Lambert ‐ 1 min read

Building my own robotics framework

Alongside this website, I am working on my own robotics framework.
Below shows the current state, which has an opengl renderer, a robot model, and some basic kinematics for forward kinematics and the ability to nudge the end-effector. Example image

The purpose for building my own framework (over ROS for example) is:

  • I have a different idea about how to go about designing robotic systems, which I would like to have a go at implementing.
  • It will provide an engaging way for me to learn various different robotics topics and how to integrate them into a complete system.
  • I like taking on challenging projects.

Initially, the plan with this website is to document notes I make on robotics topics, and create blog posts to log the progress I make on the framework.

At some point, the notes will also be coupled with relevant documentation of how the topic is applied in the framework.